Musing through Matthew – Faithless followers (Matthew 17:17)

Let us muse again today from Matthew 17: 17 and the theme of Jesus The King. In this verse today we are confronted with faithless followers When our Lord came off the mountain after being in the heavenlies He is confronted with disciples that can’t help a poor lunatic boy. Jesus calls them apart of a faithless and perversed generation. These two always go together. He that doesn’t wholeheartedly trust in Christ will soon be perversed in his walk. The word perverse means to distort and turn aside from the Right way and take the corrupt path. The word faithless means unbelieving and without trust. Our Lord tells them they are not believing and trusting in Him and that can quickly lead to a corrupt path. Jesus said how long shall I suffer with you. How much longer do I have to put up with your lack of spiritual growth. Our Lord then shares with them the vaccine for all faithless and perversion and it was bring him to me. May I remember in my situations that I find to be beyond my abilities these words, I took the liberty to change some of the words of this song, take it to Jesus, take it to Jesus He is a friend that’s well known you’ve no other such a friend or brother take it to Jesus alone.