Musing through Matthew – Tribute Money Supplied In A Fish’s Mouth ( Matthew 17: 24-27)

Let us muse again today from Matthew 17: 24 – 27 and the theme of Jesus The King. In our study today we find tribute money supplied in a fishes mouth. Peter is asked doesn’t your master pay tribute money? Peter without thinking which was his normal way of thinking he said yes. Tribute money was an offering giving to the supplying of the temple’s needs and running operations. It was not mandatory. Peter arrived back at the house Jesus immediately confronts him about what he said. This tells us that Jesus is God for He even knows what’s going on outside at another place. He tells Peter Kings don’t pay tribute money. Our Lord concerned with the folks that might stumble because of His lack of paying tribute money sends Peter fishing. He told Peter the first fish he catches the tribute money for you and me will be in his mouth. This hooking of the fish with the money in his mouth and the knowledge that Christ had of conversations which were not in His presence clearly tells us He is not only the King but God eternal.